Online Orders

  • Can I add to or amend my order?

    Kindly contact our Order Processing Agent (OPA) for any addition or amendment to your order. Any changes can only be done BEFORE your order is being processed/the completion of your order.
  • Can I order in bulk?

    If you’d like to order in bulk, get in touch with us via e-mail at and we will assist you with your order.
  • How do I check the status of my order?

    You may check your order status by clicking the Order Status button in the website or in the mobile app and entering your order number (eg: 110059) when prompted.
  • How do I know if my order is confirmed?

    Once you check out your order, you’ll receive an in-app notification and a confirmation email for your order. You will see the details of your products, quantities and estimated prices relating to your order.
  • How do I make an order?

    Only registered Jaya Grocer Online customers can place orders on This is how you make an order: Open Jaya Grocer Online website/mobile app → Check your delivery coverage → Register your details → Shop your groceries → Choose a time slot → Review, Payment and Checkout
  • How do I report a problem with my order?

    If you encounter any problem while ordering/after receiving your order, you can report the issue on our website using the live chat function or you can contact us via email at or via phone at 03-92121434 during office hours. Our Order Processing Agents (OPA) are always ready...
  • How do I reschedule my order?

    Kindly contact our Order Processing Agent (OPA) to change your delivery time and please note that rescheduling must be done BEFORE the completion of your order. Orders that are already out for delivery CANNOT be rescheduled.
  • I have made full payment online, but some items are unfulfilled. Why?

    For unfulfilled products, we will issue a refund as soon as possible. Please contact us via live chat at, email us at or call us at 1300-88-5427 for further information.
  • Once my order is confirmed, will you reserve my products for me?

    All products are subject to confirmation of final availability depending on in-store stocks and Jaya Grocer reserves the right to reject and/or cancel the order in the event that any of the products or services requested are unavailable. In the event that we are unable to fulfill any of the produ...
  • What is the minimum order amount to shop at Jaya Grocer Online?

    There is no minimum order required to shop at Jaya Grocer Online.